
Organization: OneAIM n.e.V.
Address: Ziemssenstraße 1, 80336 Munich
Representatives: Finn Kosina, Melvin Tjiok

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Articles of Association of OneAIM

Preamble: This version of the Articles of Association was approved by the Assembly of Members on June 24th, 2024.


Article 1: Name, Status & Language

  • OneAIM is a non-profit, non-governmental, student-lead Association governed by these Articles.
  • Until 01/2024 OneAIM was referred to as “LMU AIM”, founded in 04/2020.
  • The official language of OneAIM is English but communication in German language is permitted if every person participating in the communication is fluent in German.


Article 2: Purpose & Values

  • The purpose of OneAIM is to promote advances in the use of promising technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare.
  • In furtherance of this purpose, OneAIM shall, among others, pursue the following objectives:
    • Provide high quality education on the topic of technology and AI in healthcare to students and others interested.
    • Foster and accelerate connection between students and experts as well as institutions from the fields of technology and healthcare.
    • Foster and accelerate connection between students from different subjects and background interested in technology and healthcare.
    • Strengthen Munich as a hub for technology and AI in healthcare.
  • OneAIM shall exercise all other activities required to carry out its purpose.


Article 3: Membership

  • OneAIM accepts Members that are still involved in training and who share the purpose of OneAIM.
  • Duties & Privileges:
    • Members are required to be involved in the planning and execution of OneAIM’s activities.
    • Members are each entitled to one vote at the Assembly of Members.
    • Each Member shall have allegiance to OneAIM and work in the best interests of the Association for the achievement of its purpose and objectives.


  • Admission:
    • The President decides on the admission of Members.
    • Individuals may apply for Membership by submitting their application to the President.
    • Membership cannot be sold and is not transferable.
  • Termination of Membership:
    • Membership will terminate in the following situations:
      • Inactivity of the Member for more than 6 months.
      • Resignation of the Member.
      • By expulsion for cause if such a proposal is approved by at least three-quarters (3/4) of the Members present at an Assembly of Members. Such a proposal shall only be made if a Member has seriously contravened these Articles of Association or for serious professional misconduct or criminal conviction.


Article 4: Organization of OneAIM

  • The official bodies of OneAIM shall be:
    • The Assembly of Members
    • The Board
    • The Advisory Board


Article 5: The Assembly of Members

  • Scope & Powers:
    • The Assembly of Members is the supreme body of the Association.
    • It is composed of all Members.
    • It has the following inalienable and non-transferable powers:
      • To approve and amend of the Articles of Association.
      • To approve of financial accounts.
      • To appoint and remove Members of the Board.
      • To supervise the activity of other organs.
    • Procedures:
      • An ordinary Assembly of Members shall be held at the beginning of each semester.
      • All Members will be invited to attend the Assembly of Members. Invitations are issued by the Board and distributed at least 7 day calendar days in advance.
      • At least 1 calendar day before the meeting, the Board shall state the agenda of the meeting, that may include:
        • Vision and strategy for the subsequent semester.
        • The report of the Treasurer.
        • Budget for the subsequent semester.
        • Election of the Board Members.
        • Any other business.
      • At the beginning of the meeting, urgent matters can be added to the agenda.
      • The President, or in her/his absence, one of the Vice Presidents shall chair the Assembly of Members.
      • Representation by proxy is possible provided a written communication is sent to one of the Vice Presidents in advance of the meeting, stating the person who shall represent the Member at the meeting or by written communication detailing the decision they wish to be cast.
      • Minutes of the meeting shall be prepared by one Board Member.
    • Decision-Making:
      • The Assembly of Members will be considered valid if at least 5 Members are present.
      • Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote (50% + 1) of the Members present. In case of deadlock, the President shall have the casting vote.
    • Amendment of the Articles of Association and Dissolution:
      • Decisions concerning amendments of the statutes and/or the dissolution of the Association must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Members.


Article 6: The Board

  • Composition:
    • The Board is composed of one President, one or two Vice President/s per project, one Treasurer, one Public Relations & Legal Officer, one Community & Recruiting Officer, and one Marketing Officer.
    • At the beginning of the election period, the Assembly of Members decides for each project if one or two Vice Presidents are needed.
    • Each Member can hold a maximum of one Board position.
    • Board positions are determined by the Assembly of Members for a length of one semester (6 months, including semester break) by nomination and subsequent election.
    • A person can hold the same Board position for a maximum of three consecutive semesters and five semesters in total.
    • All OneAIM Members will be eligible to apply for Board positions.
    • Each Board Member can form a group with OneAIM Members that assist with executing the duties and responsibilities of each position.
  • Duties:
    • The Board is the managing body of the Association. It handles all matters which are not conferred by law or these Articles of Association on the Assembly of Members.
    • The Board has the following non-transferable and inalienable powers:
      • To be responsible for the conduct of the business of the Association.
      • To determine the strategy of OneAIM and manage activities and programs which further the purpose and objectives of OneAIM.
      • To ensure that the financial commitments are appropriate to the mission and objectives of OneAIM.
      • To establish the Advisory Board and appoint the Members.
      • To approve and issue internal regulations and procedures.
      • To appoint and supervise any executive staff.
      • To convene the Assembly of Members meeting.
      • To ensure that the Articles of Association are applied.
      • To administer the assets of the Association.
    • Specific duties of The President:
      • To provide structure and direction of OneAIM’s activities.
      • To convene and chair the Assembly of Members and Board meetings.
      • To foster team building.
      • To recruit and instruct new Members.
      • To ensure adherence to these Articles.
    • Specific duties of Vice-Presidents:
      • To lead the specific projects of OneAIM.
      • To convene and chair the project related meetings.
    • Specific duties of Treasurer:
      • To manage the finances of OneAIM.
      • To perform the accounting.
    • Specific duties of the Public Relations & Legal Officer:
      • To strengthen collaboration with universities and other OneAIM partners.
      • To administrate OneAIM projects as university electives (“Wahlfach”).
      • To oversee the legal procedures in case of changing the legal structure of OneAIM.
    • Specific duties of the Community & Recruiting Officer:
      • To organize community events.
      • To recruit participants for OneAIM’s events and projects.
    • Specific duties of the Marketing Officer:
      • To lead marketing endeavors.
      • To manage OneAIM’s social media platforms and its website.
    • Procedures:
      • The Board meets at least bi-monthly or as often as it is required.
      • The President, or in her/his absence, one of the Vice Presidents shall chair the Board meeting.
      • A Board meeting shall be considered valid if at least 50% of the Board Members are present.
      • Meetings can be held in person or by conference call/video.
      • Each present Board Member shall have one vote.
      • Decisions shall be adopted by simple majority vote (50% + 1). The President shall have a casting vote to resolve a tie if necessary.
      • Members who are absent from a meeting will be given the opportunity to vote by proxy, by submitting their decision to one Vice President in advance of the meeting.
      • One Board Member takes minutes of the meeting.


Article 7: The Advisory Board

  • Composition:
    • The Advisory Board is composed of up to three Members or partners involved in the field of student education, technology or healthcare who share the stated purpose of OneAIM.
    • The Advisory Board Members are appointed by the Board.
  • Duties:
    • To assist the Board by advising it on the Board’s request.
    • To make proposals about the actions to achieve the purposes of the OneAIM.
    • To manage the network of OneAIM Alumni.
    • To ensure contact to previous partners of OneAIM.
  • Procedures:
    • At least one Member of the Advisory Board attends the meetings of the OneAIM Board.
    • The Advisory Board may convene own meetings whenever necessary.


Article 8: Alumni

  • In furtherance of Article 2, OneAIM aims to create an Alumni Network.
  • Admission:
    • The following individuals are entitled to OneAIM Alumni status:
      • OneAIM Members that have been active ≥ 6 months.
      • Individuals participating actively in almost all OneAIM events ≥ 6 months.
    • Alumni status cannot be sold and is not transferable.
  • Termination of Alumni status:
    • Alumni status will terminate in the following situations:
      • Resignation of the Member.
      • By expulsion for cause if such a proposal is approved by at least three-quarters (3/4) of the Members present at an Assembly of Members. Such a proposal shall only be made if a Member has seriously contravened these Articles of Association or for serious professional misconduct or criminal conviction.


Article 9: Liability

  • All Members, including Members of the Board, are liable privately.


Article 10: Powers to Contract- Signatories

  • The President, Treasurer and Vice Presidents shall be the authorized signatories of OneAIM.
  • OneAIM shall be validly bound by the joint signatures of any two of the authorized signatories.